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Friday, July 29, 2011

First Official Post

Welcome to my blog- all about books! A little info about this blog and what you can expect.
I will try and post a book review everyday. I read 99.9 percent Fiction. I never say never to any book though,  especially if it comes highly recommended!
I also will not force myself to read a book if it hasn't captured my interest in the first two chapters. Life is too short to waste on a bad book!
I will blog about the books that I love, the ones I hate, the ones I recommend you only ever read once (yep- I have a list of books that fall under that category) and the books I think should definetly be read again! I have certain books that sit on my shelf that I love dearly. As in - I will never donate these or get rid of them- even if I never read them again. And speaking of shelves- I have five books shelves in my house and counting......so there will be plenty to blog about:)
I will also try to post reveiws about books that are current best sellers- so that if you are looking for something new and different you can find a recommendation here.

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