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Monday, September 5, 2011

Quotes from "Things I Want My Daughters To Know"

"Motherhood offers the best, most exquisite moments of my life. But every single one has been paid for."

"Our job has as parents is to give our children 2 things: Roots and wings. The simple things and the extraordinary things."

You make new rules for the people you love. They aren't subject to the same judgement criteria you reserved for the rest of the world. In some ways you are easier on them, and in others, much harder."

"For no other reason than I love him wholly I am here. For this one night at least the world has shrunk to a boyish breast on which my head, brilliant and exhausted, rests, and can know of nothing more complete. I am as far beyond doubt as the sun. I am as far beyond doubt as is possible."

"You don't love your stepchildren when you get them. You want to, because you love their mother and she loves them...you grow on each other gradually. Sometimes like roses; sometimes like mold."

"and the greatest of these is love. Please know that you had mine; unconditional, and powerful, and awesome. So strong that I cannot believe it will die with me. I want to imagine it as a living thing that goes beyond my body, and my death, as a vine that has grown and wound its way through the very cores of all of you and cannot be uprooted or destroyed, but rather will hold you up erect when everything else is crumbling and withering inside of you."

1 comment:

Henrietta said...

These are so beautiful! I don't know if I could handle reading this book but I'm adding it to my list anyway.