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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sea Swept (Chesapeake Bay Saga)

Sea Swept (Chesapeake Bay Saga #1)
By Nora Roberts
Released January 1, 1998
$7.99 Paperback or $7.99 Kindle http://www.amazon.com/

Nora Roberts is new to me. For a long time I had a self imposed ban on reading gushy romance novels. Roberts, to me, was the "queen" of that genre. Last year though, I started reading her titles written under J.D. Robb (the Detective Eve Dallas series). I really enjoy those books. They are very gritty and sexy. Very different than this book.
I checked out "Sea Swept" from the library after I was given the third books in this saga. I read the flap of the book and thought, "Hmm...sounds okay." I can't stand reading a series out of order though, so that particular books still sits on my shelf.
I will say that Nora Roberts deserves to be the queen of this type of fiction, and this time I say it with the utmost respect. I may have started with "Sea Swept" but I have since burned through four of her novels. I heart Nora Roberts.
In this book, we meet the Quinn Brothers. Family by adoption. They love each other as much as blood brothers though. All three boys were raised by Mr. and Mrs. Quinn in Chesapeake after each came there from different circumstances. The boys have since grown up and moved on to chosen careers in Chesapeake and around the world. The sudden death of their father (their mother passed away a few years before) brings them all back to the Quinn family house. Once there, the brothers discover a new addition to the family. A young boy named Seth, who Mr. Quinn was in the process of adopting before he died of suspicious circumstances.
The story centers around the oldest (and wildest), Cam, and his relationship with all of his brothers, especially young Seth who he now finds in his care. The family works on dealing with their father's death and the cause of it as well as trying to adopt Seth. Enter social worker Anna. Her job is to make sure they are  fit foster family for Seth. Cam's story flows into his love affair with this woman.
Romance novels are great summertime fun. Light and fluffy; this book doesn't disappoint. It's a sweet tale that made me sigh ......and wanna love all over my own man.
I have already put the next book in this series on hold at my local library.Can't wait!

Do I recommend it: Yes- perfect for the beach!
But: No butts!
Bonus: Go to http://www.noraroberts.com/ for free stuff!!!

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